Why Your Neck & Shoulder Hurts After Running


When it comes to running, we are expected to experience pain in the lower body such as tight hamstrings, hips, shin splints, calf cramps, or blisters. It is pretty obvious that running is a sport that uses your legs, however, at times you may notice that your neck and shoulder hurt at times during and after your runs.

If you are feeling any discomfort or pain on your neck and shoulder, it is possibly due to a slip of your body posture. An example of how tension is built up is that every step you take during your runs is a rep and if you keep your upper body posture inappropriate and in poor form, you’re building up tension in the neck and shoulders.

Thus, here are some of the top reasons to be aware as you could be experiencing neck and shoulder pain during and after a run.

1. Looking Down At The Ground

Many new runners may not realize their eyes may affect the running form, but the rest of the body will eventually follow the gaze of their eyes.

Thus, it is important to pay attention to it. For instance, when you are running, tuck your chin in and keep your eyes up towards the horizon. Your body will naturally follow your line of sight. Avoid looking down at the ground, as it can affect the way you hold your neck, which affects the position of your shoulders and back, leading to discomfort and pain in that area.

Why Your Neck & Shoulder Hurts After Running

Image via : Verywell Fitness

2. Shrugging Your Shoulder

On a day-to-day basis, many people experience bad posture from hunching over a computer screen or their phones. This problem may affect how you run in the long term, it may cause tension and tightness in your neck over time.

So how can you fix it? Simply, just drop your shoulder blades down your back a little, with each breath taken, and be conscious of maintaining those adjustments throughout your run.

Why Your Neck & Shoulder Hurts After Running

Image via : Popsugar

3. Pumping Your Arms Across The Body

To ensure your runs are efficient and at your top performance, avoid pumping your arms across your body. When moving your arms across your body can cause unnecessary strains in your neck and shoulders. Besides, with that movement, it will waste a lot of energy while running.

Hence, try pulling your shoulder down and back, bend your arms into a 90-degree angle at your elbow, and continue pumping with the motion of running. Importantly, the movement is happening on your shoulder, not your elbow, it should be a smooth, loose and controlled movement.

Why Your Neck & Shoulder Hurts After Running

Image via : SpineUniverse

4. Low Mobility In Your Back

Lastly, having tightness in the upper and middle back will affect your running posture. Tightness may result from sitting all day, low flexibility and mobility, or even the sleeping posture.

Well don’t worry about that, it is possible to prevent discomfort and pain on your neck and shoulder by improving your flexibility. For instance, perform daily stretching sessions, foam rolling, or even try yoga to increase the flexibility and mobility of the thoracic spine.

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